关于Claude d'Aspremont 教授讲座通知

发布日期: 2007-02-28 来源: 1387
                                                                                                   关于Claude d'Aspremont 教授讲座通知

题  目:Strategic R&D Investment, Competitive Toughness and Growth

报告人:Claude d'Aspremont 教授

地  点:玉泉校区外经贸楼418室

时  间:2007年2月28日(星期三)
               晚上  19:00-21:00




Strategic R&D Investment, Competitive Toughness and Growth
 Claude d'Aspremont

We show, within a single industry, the possibility that R&D-investment be non-monotonically related to competitive toughness: increasing when competition is soft and decreasing when competition is tough. This possibility results from a Schumpeterian markup squeezing effect discouraging innovation, and a concentration effect spurring innovations. It is obtained in a sectoral model where the number of innovators is random and where non-successful investors may remain productive. The result is extended to a multi-sectoral stochastic endogenous growth model with overlapping generations of consumers and firms, the number of which is endogenously determined in the capital market.


  Claude d’Aspremont 简介: 斯坦福大学经济学博士(1973),比利时鲁汶大学经济学教授, Fellow of Econometric Society (计量经济学会院士). 其研究领域主要为数理经济学,社会选择理论和产业经济学, 论文和著作丰富, 其中有四五十 篇论文发表于AER, QJE, RES, Econometrica, JET, JPE, JPubE, Social Choice and Welfare 类顶级刊物. 其经典模型有以他和他的合作者命名的研究和开发(R&D)领域的AJ Model 和机制设计领域的AJV-Arrow Mechanism.  
