
发布日期: 2015-06-03 来源:dwjl 2074



主讲:Alexander Swoboda教授









Alexander Swoboda为日内瓦高级国际关系及发展学院国际经济学荣誉教授,前院长。他曾任日内瓦大学教授,并在芝加哥大学商学院任教。Swoboda教授曾为伦敦美高梅官方地址,洛桑大学,哈佛大学访问教授。他是货币与银行研究中心的创始人及首任主席,曾任瑞士经济与计量学会会长。1998年至2001年,Swoboda教授任IMF研究部的高级政策顾问。1997年至2009年,Swoboda教授为瑞士国家银行理事会理事。目前,Swoboda教授为多家企业以及非盈利机构的董事会成员,并为金融机构,政府部门以及国际组织(包括IMF,世界银行,以及多国央行)提供顾问工作。Swoboda教授目前的研究兴趣包括货币区内部以及不同货币区之间的货币与宏观政策协调,国际金融稳定与监管,国际金融机构治理,以及新金融技术的发展(如虚拟货币)及其政策影响,并在这些领域发表了相当数量的论文。Swoboda教授在耶鲁大学获得博士学位。


Professor Alexander Swoboda is Professor of International Economics Emeritus and former Director of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.  He was also a professor of economics at the University of Geneva, has taught at the Graduate School of Business of the University of Chicago, and has held visiting Professorships at the London School of Economics, the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Bologna, the University of Lausanne, and Harvard University. The Founding Director of the International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies and currently a member of its governing board, Professor Swoboda is a past President of the Swiss Society for Economics and Statistics and was director or co-director of a number of major international research projects bearing, among others, on open economy macroeconomics and the monetary approach to the balance of payments. He was Senior Policy Advisor in the Research Department of the IMF from mid-1998 to January 2001. Professor Swoboda served as a member of the Council of the Swiss National Bank from 1997 to 2009 and as a member of its Risk and Nomination committees for the last four years of his tenure. He currently serves on the board of a number of companies and non-profit foundations and is or has been an occasional consultant or adviser to private financial, governmental and international institutions (including the IMF, the World Bank and central banks).


His current interests include issues related to monetary and macroeconomic policy coordination within and between currency areas, international financial stability and regulation, the role of IFIs as well as new developments in financial technology (e.g. virtual currencies) and their policy implications. He has published widely in these areas. A Swiss citizen, Professor Swoboda holds a B.A., M.A, and Ph.D from Yale University.

