
发布日期: 2016-10-25 来源:dwjl 1693


目:  Lemons, Liquidity Constraint and Liquidity Policy 

报告人:  董丰   助理教授  上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院 

主持人: 士远  教授   美高梅官方地址 

  间:  20161028   星期五   15:30-17:00 

  点:  浙大玉泉校区美高梅官方地址418


Abstract: The 2007-2009 global financial crisis, which was mainly characterized by liquidity shortage and flight to quality/liquidity, has re-ignited the debate on how the government should manage the provision of public liquidity. In particular, it is an open question on whether and how conventional and unconventional liquidity policies affect the incentive structure of private sectors. To this end, we endogenize asset resaleability by developing a tractable dynamic model with information asymmetry on asset quality in a production economy. We then quantify the dynamic implications of conventional and unconventional liquidity policy for private liquidity as well as for social welfare.